AI and ChatGPT is dangerous and should be stopped

There are many arguments I could make against AI and advanced chat programs like ChatGPT. In some local contexts, ChatGPT is already banned. StackExchange temporarily banned it, basically because it gives plausible-sounding answers which are much too often incorrect. In my opinion, this reason for banning it locally is irrelevant for my discussion, and is AI and ChatGPT is dangerous and should be stopped

List: things you can do to slow the progress of technology

I am making this list partially for myself, and partially for others who have realized the dangers of technology and how it is leading to our destruction. Avoid creating especially dangerous technologies such as AI and machine-learning programs. This is especially true if you are a programmer. Avoid developing any advanced mathematics that may lead List: things you can do to slow the progress of technology

A rebirth and restart of this blog

This used to be my math blog. Long-time readers of this blog may be wondering what has happened, and new readers searching for some topic or another may be wondering why it no longer exists. In short, I decided to shut down my old blog for a variety of reasons. One of those reasons was A rebirth and restart of this blog

Is the pursuit of knowledge always good?

When I was a kid, I used to think that pursuing knowledge was always good, and that humanity should learn as much as it can no matter what. I sometimes wonder why I thought that, but it’s probably because I found learning enjoyable as a kid. Of course I still find learning enjoyable now, but Is the pursuit of knowledge always good?

Memes, technology, and the future

Richard Dawkins coined the term meme to refer to ideas that propagate and evolve as thoughts in the human mind. We can try and view technology as a similar system. In this system, the ideas are the specifications of technological devices, and these ideas propagate through the survival of technological machines. We are the facilitators Memes, technology, and the future

The dawn of a new organism

What is the organism? Out of a complex system, a behaviour may arise that is impossible to predict from the original system, such as consciousness coming from the brain. Even with its massive array of neurons, it seems bewildering that something like consciousness could come out of it. Another example is an insect colony. If The dawn of a new organism